UCPD: (773) 702-8181 or 123 from any campus phone
Student Health Services: (773) 702-4156
Student Counseling Services: (773) 702-9800
Nurse on Call: (773) 702-4156
Dean on Call: (773) 834-HELP
Registered Student Organizations and student government are part of the Center for Leadership and Involvement.There are opportunities to be involved in activities and organizations in ways both integrated into and independent from your academic life. There are sports clubs, clubs focused on politics and public policy, investment clubs, cultural organizations, community service clubs and spiritual groups, to name but a few of the types of organizations in which you can be involved. Check Blueprint, UChicago's platform for campus organizations, to search and browse the University's 400+ groups.
Every house has an IM Chair who coordinates the house's involvement in the various sports offered throughout the year. If you have left housing, there are ways to form or join teams other than the house teams. Check out UChicago Athletics webpage for more information on how to get involved. Below is a list of the team and individual sports offered:
Team Sports:
Individual Sports:
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