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Medieval Manuscript Research

Locating and using manuscripts and the digital middle ages


This page is designed to provide users with a selection of links to Major Digitized Manuscript Collections as well as a selection of Individual Digitized Manuscript Collections that can be read cover-to-cover online. New links may be added as libraries and museums continue to digitize collections. Please let us know if there are other databases that should be added to this list. 

There is also a select list of Digitized Medieval and Early Modern Music Manuscripts in the left column. 

Given the number of digitized collections devoted to the 13th century French poem, Le Roman de la Rose, there is also a list of links to websites with Digitized Manuscripts of the Rose that can also be browsed cover-to-cover.

Major Digitized Manuscript Collections

North American Collections


English, Irish, and Scottish

French and Francophone


Spanish, Catalan, and Portuguese

German and Dutch

Select Individual Digitized Manuscripts




German and Dutch

Visualizing the Roman de la Rose

The Lover Views the Garden, from the Roman de la Rose. Ms. Ludwig XV 7, folio 5v. French, unknown artist, c. 1405. J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles.
More digitized manuscripts of the Roman de la Rose can be found in the column below.
For more information about working with illuminated images see this guide's page on images, containing resources for archiving images pre- and post- research, a list of databases with digitized image collections, and tips for using images in research, publication, and teaching.

The Roman de la Rose Digitized

General Databases

Individual Manuscripts

Subject Specialists