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Medieval Manuscript Research

Locating and using manuscripts and the digital middle ages

Medieval Digital Humanities Collectives and Consortiums

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Digital Humanities and the Middle Ages

Recent digital humanities projects grounded in medieval themes and scholarship range from projects based in Text and Manuscripts, to Mapping, and beyond. The Digital Middle Ages page is a starting point for exploring digital humanities projects currently being undertaken that have a medieval or early modern focus. 
The Print and Digital Resources page provides links to Print Resources, Journals, and digital User Guides on digital humanities scholarship that can be applied to any field or historical period. Medieval and Early Modern specific sources are listed at the top of each box, followed by broader resources. This page also contains links to tutorials for developing digital humanities skills grouped into three main types of objectives: Digitization and Digital Analysis Tools for Text, Digitally Archiving Content, and Visualizing Maps and Charts.
Multiple academic institutions and consortiums of digital humanists host workshops, courses, and conferences aiming to connect students and scholars with resources for training in digital humanities tools. A select list including institutions based Nationally and Internationally is listed on the Digital Humanities Centers page. There is also a list of Digital Humanities Support at the University of Chicago, and a select list of academic digital humanities Consortiums with a Medieval and Early Modern focus. By exploring these websites, users can also find links to further training and ongoing digital humanities projects.

Manuscript-Based Digital Humanities Projects

Select Medieval Mapping and Digital Scholarship Projects

Picturing Technology in the Middle Ages

From the Building of the Tower of Babel

"Building of the Tower of Babel". Unknown artist, French, c. 1244-54. Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, MS M.638. The Crusader Bible, folio 3r.  LUNA:  (UChicago login required.)
Additional images from this collection in LUNA: ( or request the book below. 

For more information about working with illuminated images see this guide's page on images, containing resources for archiving images pre- and post- research, a list of databases with digitized image collections, and tips for using images in research, publication, and teaching.

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