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Find Articles in Business and Economics

A guide to the resources for finding articles in these subjects

Top Sources for Business News

These databases all include major business news sources, including major newspapers, business wires and local business news sources.

Factiva has the broadest coverage of business news. Use the source selection tool to limit by region or industry.

Nexis Uni has similar sources to Factiva, but it is more difficult to limit a search.

ProQuest One Business has fewer news sources, but does include the Wall Street Journal. It also has better subject indexing, which makes narrowing a search easier.

All current UChicago students, faculty and staff can register for access to the Wall Street Journal web site

Other News Databases

Historical News

Barron's is in ProQuest One Business, but under three separate titles. Use the advanced search to limit to Barron's as a publication and combine that with keywords.