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Find Articles in Business and Economics

A guide to the resources for finding articles in these subjects

Scholarly Articles

These databases are the most comprehensive for finding articles in academic journals. Each has specific strengths, which we have highlighted.

These databases cover disciplines beyond business and economics. They are best for searches that might cross over into other areas, such as research in operations management.

Find It

Many of our databases include the full text of an article. We have our Find It service to get you to an article in cases where there is only a citation. Look for this button in your results:  UChicago Find It button

Click that to launch the Find It service. That will give you these options

  • Link you to the article at the publisher or in another database if it is available. 
  • Link to our Scan & Deliver service when we have something in print but not online.
  • If we do not have access, you can make an Interlibrary Loan request and receive a copy as a PDF in just a few days.

Search Strategies

Article databases have many features that make finding relevant articles easier. These are some examples, explore the advanced search page in a database to see other ways.

  • Subject Headings
    • These describe what an article is about. These may not match your keywords, look at a few articles to identify relevant subjects,
  • Date Limits
    • An easy way to find the most recent research or dig into the oldest
  • Article Type 
    • Useful for finding book reviews
  • Geography
    • Useful for limiting to research done in specific regions.