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How do I find articles?

Tips for locating articles at the Library.

Selected Databases With Cited Reference Searching

Cited Reference Searching

Cited reference searching is finding articles that reference a particular author, article, or book. Use cited reference searching to:

  • determine who has cited specific papers or authors
  • discover how an idea or innovation has been confirmed, applied, corrected, or developed over time
  • identify seminal papers
  • find researchers with common interests
  • assess the impact of a publication

There are many library databases that provide options for cited reference searching. Watch the tutorial below to learn how to perform a cited reference search in two comprehensive interdisciplinary databases.

Web of Science

Important things to know about Web of Science

  • Authors' names are abbreviated, so for best results use wildcards for first names and middle initials: Harper W*
  • Journal titles are usually abbreviated as well. Use the Web of Science Journals Abbreviation list to identify the correct form to use.
  • All results in Web of Science have links to citing articles. However,  Cited Reference Search will give you the most complete results.

Google Scholar

Important things to know about Google Scholar:

  • Google Scholar may include more than one version of articles and there are likely to be duplicates in the citing references among the versions.