Deep archive of annual reports, availability varies by company.
SEC filings from 1994 --, with older years available for some companies
Refinitiv Workspace brings together company information from a variety of sources that are produced by Refinitiv. This includes company financials and filings, mergers and acquisition data and analyst reports.
Annual reports for over 900 companies available from 1844 - 1985, with selected reports from later years. The emphasis is on the largest companies and includes most Fortune 500 companies.
Annual Reports from as early as 1844. International scope.
Online archive of the Moody's/Mergent Manuals. These include company financial and debt information, officers, subsidiaries and capital structure. Coverage begins in 1909.
Also includes annual reports, more recent industry reports and Stock Exchange listing statements & applications.
More Information
More information on sources is available on our full guide to finding annual reports and corporate filings