For more information about creating alerts in Westlaw, Lexis, and Bloomberg, or for information about other current awareness tools, see this guide from the Indiana University's law library:
You might also find this CALI tutorial helpful:
Congratulations! You're almost done with your preemption check. Now that you've finished searching for published and unpublished material on your topic, it's important to set current awareness alerts. This will help you stay informed about current news and recent publications related to your topic.
The main alert systems that you will likely use are listed here: Google Alerts, Westlaw, Lexis, and Bloomberg. For more information about creating alerts in these systems, or for information about additional current awareness alert tools, see the "More Information" box (below).
Create an alert to receive email notifications any time Google finds new results related to your topic. The more precise your search terms are, the more relevant your alerts will be. Use quotes around phrases (ex: "White House"), and a minus sign in front of words that you want to leave out (ex: Paris -Texas).
You have several alert options in WestlawNext, including:
You can also create a customized newsletter, that contains different kinds of alerts and hyperlinks to WestlawNext for easy retrieval and review.
In Lexis+ an alert is a search that runs automatically and notifies you of the results at regular intervals. To create an alert:
Create an alert for any search results in Bloomberg Law, or for BNA Law Reports.
First, click the three menu bars located on the top left of the home page.
Then, select "Practitioner Tools" in the menu.
Choose the "BNA Alerts, Monitors & Bulletins" option to customize your alerts.
To create an alert for any search in Bloomberg Law, click on the "create alert" button at the top of your search results.
To manage your alerts in Bloomberg Law, hover over "My Work History" at the top of any page, then select "Alerts"
Then click on "Alerts"
Finally, click on "Manage Your Alerts." From this screen, you will be able to view alerts you have previously set up or add new alerts.