We are now able to offer individual accounts to the Washington Post. Direct access to the Washington Post site is no longer available, you must register for access.
Follow these steps to register for a Washington Post account. You must use an email using one of the following domains to be recognized as a UChicago user
Go to the registration page to get started.
Enter your email address. You'll receive an email from the Washington Post to confirm your account.
Some users report Washington Post emails are being flagged as spam by IT Services. You may need to release the verification email from quarantine.
You can register at the Washington Post using your CNetID by using the Continue with Google option. This is only an option for users with access to UChicago's Google Docs subscription.
Enter your full UChicago email address to continue. That will take you to the standard CNet authentication screen, then to the Washington Post account screen. Follow the steps above to finish setting up your account.
You will need to use the Continue with Google sign in to access your account.
People who have registered with the Washington Post with a UChicago email must follow these steps to link to the Library's subscription.
The Library has full access to the Washington Post archives through ProQuest. We recommend searching in ProQuest for general topics. ProQuest adds subject terms to articles and allows better limiting by date, author and article title.