Literary theory has become the hegemonic methodology for the study of text and is often regarded both as a sub-discipline in itself and as a critical tool through which to liberate deeper and more complex meanings from texts. It encompasses a massive range of topics, including periods, movements, themes and works that make it a dynamic field of study. Given that literary theory draws from other disciplines such as linguistics, philosophy, psychoanalysis, sociology, the social sciences and work from non-Anglophone cultures and traditions, the very scope which makes it a necessary tool for contemporary academics and intellectuals can be off-putting in terms of locating a starting point for any specific inquiry. Oxford Bibliographies in Literary and Critical Theory will offer clearly-signposted pathways through the different areas, and will make clear references to the other disciplines which feed in to, and are often transformed by, literary theory.
Over 1,200 entries cover traditional drama, versification, rhetoric, and literary history, as well as updated and extended advice on recommended further reading and a pronunciation guide to more than 200 terms.
Works reflecting the diverse material and interests encompassed by the history of literary theory and criticism.
In addition to works written in English, the database includes works which were originally written in other languages but which have had a significant bearing on English and American traditions of theory and criticism, or which have influenced contemporary theoretical debate in the English-speaking world. All works in the database appear in English.
Among its contents, the database includes:
* formal treatises on criticism and aesthetics
* discourses on the character or practice of specific genres
* theories of imagination, genius and taste
* literary biography, criticism and literary history that expresses important general arguments and precepts
* literary prefaces and dedications
* rhetorical treatises
* poetry which expresses or implies rules of composition or standards of judgement
* theoretical works in disciplines other than English literature which have had a major influence on literary theory
This database offers subject or theme based collections of content within a richly functional, fully cross-searchable online environment. The books in these series survey scholarship on individual writers or other notable people, on schools of thought, and other topics. They serve as textbooks, as excellent starting places for research, and as scholarly works in their own right.
from Retro Bib: "Dieses Projekt möchte vornehmlich alte, in Fraktur gesetzte Nachschlagewerke um 1900 herum retrodigitalisieren und im Internet verfügbar machen. Retrodigitalisierung meint hier, sowohl die Faksimiles wie auch den Text bereit zu stellen. Es basiert auf der freiwilligen Mitarbeit von vielen Personen und verfolgt kein finanzielles Interesse. Die Einnahmen der Werbung auf diesen Seiten fließen in die Digitalisierung neuer Werke und den Betrieb der Server."
from Retro Bib: "Dieses Projekt möchte vornehmlich alte, in Fraktur gesetzte Nachschlagewerke um 1900 herum retrodigitalisieren und im Internet verfügbar machen. Retrodigitalisierung meint hier, sowohl die Faksimiles wie auch den Text bereit zu stellen. Es basiert auf der freiwilligen Mitarbeit von vielen Personen und verfolgt kein finanzielles Interesse. Die Einnahmen der Werbung auf diesen Seiten fließen in die Digitalisierung neuer Werke und den Betrieb der Server."
Provides nearly 10,000 biographical and critical essays on the lives, works, and careers of the world's most influential literary figures from all eras and genres.
If the person is dead, you may also want to check for obituaries in newspapers.
Comprehensive biographical database providing short biographical information on 3.6 million persons with a historical coverage. Digital facsimile articles from more than 2,300 reference works are also included for 1.3 persons.