Social Explorer is a detailed reference tool for current and historical Census data from 1790 to the present. Data may be generated by browsing maps or building reports.
ICPSR maintains and provides access to a vast archive of social science data for research and includes many large time-series datasets. International in scope.
Contains over 500 timeseries indicators under the headings: world view, environment, economy, states and markets and global links. Data are at the country level only and are updated annually. Includes the World Development Indicators and Global Development Finance databases.
Includes the World Development Indicators and Global Development Finance databases. Contains over 500 timeseries indicators under the headings: world view, environment, economy, states and markets and global links. Data are at the country level only and are updated annually. Includes the World Development Indicators and Global Development Finance databases.
CPANDA, the Cultural Policy & the Arts National Data Archive, is the world's first interactive digital archive of policy-relevant data on the arts and cultural policy in the United States.
Covers only OECD members and selected other countries.
Harmonized datasets on economic, national accounts, health and more for countries that are members of the OECD. Selected data for non-member countries is included in some series.
Foreign Censuses
Many foreign censuses are available through the catalog, using subject searches as shown here. Not all years or countries may be held in our libraries or even available.
The US Census Bureau maintains an online directory of statistical agencies in countries around the world. Data availability varies from country to country and English-language availability is limited.