"This on-line version of the Bibliography of Asian Studies (BAS) contains 860,400 records on all subjects (especially in the humanities and the social sciences) pertaining to East, Southeast, and South Asia published worldwide from 1971 to the present."
References western-language periodical articles, monographs, chapters in edited volumes, conference proceedings, and anthologies on all subjects (especially humanities and social sciences) pertaining to East, Southeast, and South Asia published worldwide from 1971 to the present.
CiNii includes three separate indices: 1. CiNii Articles: academic journal articles and university bulletins published in Japan (some of which are available as full text); the National Diet Library's periodical index is incorporated into CiNii Articles; 2. CiNii Books: books held by Japanese university libraries; and 3. CiNii Dissertations: dissertations awarded by Japanese institutions. Select one from the upper left corner of the main page.
J-STAGE is an online database that indexes scholarly arts and sciences articles published (mostly in Japanese or English, but in other languages as well) in Japan. Some articles are abstracted (usually in English, sometimes in Japanese or in the article's original language), and some articles are available in full-text format.
Comprehensive Indices and Databases for Japanese Studies (Popular Press)
The complete database for Japanese magazines and periodicals from the Meiji era to the present. Index to periodical articles published in Japanese, including those in former Japanese colonies, and including local periodicals not present in many other indexes. Coverage is from 1868 onwards. Merges data from various composite periodical indexes by Kokuritsu Kokkai Toshokan.
WebOya indexes periodicals held by the Oya Soichi bunko, a private library in Tokyo with a comprehensive collection of popular journals reflecting popular culture in Japan. Provides basic and advanced Boolean searching, as well as classified searches by personal names, occupation, subject, and keyword. Coverage: Late Meiji to the present.
An online version of four periodicals originally published in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The aggregated search engine was created by NetAdvance Inc. and it searches by keyword, title, and volume number in full text: 太陽 -- 文芸倶楽部 -- 校友会雑誌 -- 近代作家原稿集 -- 風俗画報
-- 群書類従(正・続・続々)-- 美術新報 -- 東洋経済アーカイブス -- 弘文荘待賈古書目.
MagazinePlus is the largest collection of Japanese databases. With over 5.2 million items, it consolidates five separate databases: Zasshi Kiji Sakuin 雑誌記事索引 (an index to 9396 Japanese-language and 102 Western-language scholarly journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, with coverage 1975-present, updated twice a month); Journal Index ジャーナルインデックス (an index to weekly and monthly magazines, with coverage 1981-present, updated weekly); Joint (an index to 1300 economic journals, with coverage 1981-1995). For the contents and user guide, see http://www.nichigai.co.jp/database/mag-plus.html