Lessico dei Grammatici Greci Antichi (LGGA)The LGGA (Lessico dei Grammatici Greci Antichi) means to provide an online reference tool for scholars of Greek-Latin Antiquity, especially for studies on the history of ancient philology, grammar and scholarship.
The contents consist of files on the personalities who variously contributed to erudite and philological-grammatical research in ancient world, alphabetically ordered by Latin name.
The catalogue includes now a total of 565 grammarians. Files are made available progressively, as soon as work on a file is completed and can be downloaded in pdf format. To access this free service you have just to sign in with your e-mail address when the relevant window appears.
The preparation of the pdf files entails a polishing and completion work on the entries of the lexicon. The files concerning some particularly important grammarians, that call for a more extended and complex encyclopedic entry, are made available for download as they are filled in just with the updated bibliography, while the general discussion and possible texts will be added on in a second time. This handling has been chosen for Aelius [2] Herodianus, Apollonius [09] Dyscolus, Aristarchus, Aristophanes, Didymus, Eratosthenes, Galenus, Iulius [2] Pollux, Zenodotus.
From July 2007 the Lessico dei Grammatici Greci Antichi has adopted a peer review policy, which consists in submitting each entry to at least two external reviewers before publication.