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ARTH 15610: Imitation of Life: Art in the Twentieth Century

A guide to resources for students in Megan Luke's course (Fall 2012)

Information about Articles & Journals

Key Art and Architecture Databases

Databases with Art-Related Content


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Nancy Spiegel
Regenstein 413 (not accessible during the renovation). Please email for an appointment or use the "schedule an appointment" button.

Find It!

Find It! is a quick way to determine if an article is available at the Library.

When you locate a citation in a Library database, click on Find It! icon in the record.

  • If the article is available online, Find It! will list the source that contain the full-text. 

  • If it not available online, you can select "Find It at the Library" to determine if the Library has a copy in the stacks. 

  • If the journal is not available online or in print at the Library, Find It! will provide the option to submit an Interlibrary Loan request for the article.