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Chinese Studies

Finding Films in the UChicago Library Catalog

Use the UChicago Library Catalog to search for specific Chinese-language films.

  • Select "Chinese" under "Language" and "Video" under "Format."
  • Use the "Title" option to look films by title.  Use the "Author" option for director.

Refer to the following guide on how to find films for more information:

Streaming Films

Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS) Film Library

The CEAS Film Library, one of the largest East Asian DVD collections in the U.S., includes historical films, documentaries, TV series, and contemporary cinema.

The collection is not integrated into the library catalog. Search through the CEAS online catalog. Watch the video tutorial for instructions on using the catalog.

Open for browsing and borrowing by appointment. Email Myra Su at least 2 business days in advance to schedule.

Location: 1155 E. 60th Street, Room 309, Chicago, IL 60637.

Licensed Film Resources

Archives and Open Access Film Resources