A database of back issues of core journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. All issues of each journal are included in full-text except for the most recent 2-to-5 years.
References western-language periodical articles, monographs, chapters in edited volumes, conference proceedings, and anthologies on all subjects (especially humanities and social sciences) pertaining to East, Southeast, and South Asia published worldwide from 1971 to the present.
Indexes materials on literature, languages, linguistics, and folklore, excluding book reviews. Citations from over 4,000 journals and series published worldwide, as well as books, essays, working papers, proceedings, dissertations, & bibliographies. Also includes citations to books and journal articles having to do with linguistics and language topics. Video tutorial on searching writer's names as subjects
Authoritative, multidisciplinary content covers over 10,000 of the highest impact journals worldwide, including Open Access journals and over 110,000 conference proceedings. You'll find current and retrospective coverage in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, with coverage available to 1900. Includes the Science Citation Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index. Web of Science is especially useful for its citation linking.
The Electronic Journals Database provides access to the majority of the electronic journal titles available through the University of Chicago Library. Browse by journal title or conduct a title keyword or ISSN search.
One of the most frequently used databases for Chinese journal articles.
We have access to the following:
Series F Literature / History / Philosophy
Series G Politics / Military Affairs / Law
Series H Education / Social Sciences
Series J Economics / Management
Subject E053 - Policy and Law Research of Medicine and Sanitation
Subject E055 - Preventive Medicine and Hygiene
Subject I143 Library Science and Digital Library
Compared to a similar database China Academic Journals (by CNKI), the Wangfang journal database contains also Chinese journals in Science and Technology whereas our CNKI subscription is limited to journals in humanities and Social sciences. Within the fields of humanities and social sciences, however, the CNKI China Academic Journals covers a greater number of journals as well as a more complete run of years for these journals. Despite duplications in journal coverage between the two, each database has many unique titles.
E-books, journals, dissertations, newspapers, webpages, and more.
Offering full-text search across a vast collection of e-books, journals, dissertations, newspapers, webpages, and more. Users can only access a limited number of pages per item. For additional pages, users may request document delivery via 图书馆文献传递 and receive them by email.
Chinese proceedings of important conferences from 1999.
Conference proceedings from academic institutions, governmental agencies, and international bodies in China in the fields of Social Science and Humanities since 1999.
This database provides access to about 500,000 entries on Chinese laws, government regulations, policies, interpretations as well as treaties, etc. These include not only such documents issued by the central government but also some by provincial and local governments and government agencies.
Covers journals, magazines, and newspapers published from 1833 to the present:
1. Late Qing period (1833-1911): full-text
2. Republic era (1912-1949): full-text
3. Modern period (1950-): citation only
The first magazine published by Chinese students in the U.S., covering significant movements in China and providing valuable insights for scholars studying overseas Chinese and early 20th-century Chinese history.
Images from more than 60 academic and professional journals in English and Chinese across various disciplines. New titles and issues are continuously added.
Covers journals, magazines, and newspapers published from 1833 to the present:
1. Late Qing period (1833-1911): full-text
2. Republic era (1912-1949): full-text
3. Modern period (1950-): citation only
Chinese and bilingual journals published in Hong Kong and Macau, with a focus on humanities and social sciences. Most of the journals are indexed from 1980 onwards.