Legal archives from Jiangjin District, Sichuan during the Republic Era. We currently have access to the first series. The new trial, which includes the second series, expires on February 8, 2025. Use cVPN to access when off-campus.
Historical legal archives for thousands of cases in various types of Jiangjin District, Sichuan Province, China from 1911 to 1949. Including archives of debt disputes, tenancy disputes, sales disputes, property disputes, marriage disputes, violation of tax law, theft, fraud, smoking and drug addiction, family disputes, and other criminal and civil disputes.
- Local archives such as contracts and legal documents dating from the Ming to the Republic Era, with a focus on the Qing. Mostly from 徽州. Click “确定” to log in when prompted with “是否IP自动登录” in the pop-up.
- We currently have access to the first series. The new trial, which includes the second, third, and fourth series, expires on February 8, 2025.
-The third series includes 鄱阳湖文书 from the late Ming to the late Qing.
Including contracts, ledgers, tax, official documents, legal documents, medical documents, examination documents, family documents, religious documents, family genealogies, theater documents, letters, and daily encyclopedias.
This collection documents the broad range of Nineteenth Century religious missionary activities, practices and thought in the United States by reproducing pivotal personal narratives, organizational records, and biographies of the essential leaders, simple missionaries, and churches. This collection includes materials on missionary activities among Native Americans and African Americans, both slaves and freedmen. In addition, it highlights activities in far-flung regions and countries, such as Africa, Fiji and Sandwich Islands, India, China, Southeast Asia, Japan, and Hawaii.
One of the most frequently used databases for Chinese journal articles.
We have access to the following:
Series F Literature / History / Philosophy
Series G Politics / Military Affairs / Law
Series H Education / Social Sciences
Series J Economics / Management
Subject E053 - Policy and Law Research of Medicine and Sanitation
Subject E055 - Preventive Medicine and Hygiene
Subject I143 Library Science and Digital Library
Compared to a similar database China Academic Journals (by CNKI), the Wangfang journal database contains also Chinese journals in Science and Technology whereas our CNKI subscription is limited to journals in humanities and Social sciences. Within the fields of humanities and social sciences, however, the CNKI China Academic Journals covers a greater number of journals as well as a more complete run of years for these journals. Despite duplications in journal coverage between the two, each database has many unique titles.
E-books, journals, dissertations, newspapers, webpages, and more.
Offering full-text search across a vast collection of e-books, journals, dissertations, newspapers, webpages, and more. Users can only access a limited number of pages per item. For additional pages, users may request document delivery via 图书馆文献传递 and receive them by email.
Access is limited to one user at a time.
-中國俗文庫 (初集)
-中國方志庫 (初集、二集、三集)
-歷代詩文集總庫 (明前、明代、清上、清下)
-中國類書庫 (初集)
-中國譜牒庫 (初集)
-申報: Select "百年" to log in.