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Bilateral Labor Agreements (BLAs)

Research guide for locating Bilateral Labor Agreements. A BLA is any treaty that regulates the flow of workers between two countries, including amendments and additional protocols to previously signed agreements.

National Treaty Series, Databases, and Websites

  • Argentina (Biblioteca Digital de Tratados = Digital Treaties Library)
  • Australia (Australian Treaties Database)
  • Belgium (search for database of treaties via French or Dutch interfaces)
  • Canada (Canadian Treaty Series/Bilateral Treaty Search)
  • China (Treaties Database, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in Chinese and in English; see also the Peking University PKUlaw/LawInfoChina/ChinaLawInfo database of "Sino-Foreign Treaties"/ 中外条约 (China and foreign treaties) and "International Treaties" sections)
  • Colombia (Biblioteca Virtual de Tratados, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Dirección de Asuntos Jurídicos Internacionales)
  • Croatia (overview of bilateral and multilateral treaties includes dates and other information, not full text)
  • Estonia (Riigi Teataja - official state information system - Välislepingute liigitus poolte alusel = Classification of international agreements by party; for bilateral treaties, check underRIIGID JA TERRITOORIUMID )
  • France (Base des Traités et Accords de la France)
  • Germany (see Bundesgesetzblatt, Teil II (BGBl II), in the "Official Gazettes--By Country" section of this LibGuide)
  • Hong Kong (Treaties and International Agreements, Department of Justice; includes a "Bilateral Agreements" and a "Labour Cooperation Arrangements" page; see also HKSAR via HKLII - Hong Kong Treaty Series page)
  • India (Indian Treaties Database, Ministry of External Affairs)
  • Indonesia (International Treaty Search via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
  • Ireland (Irish Treaty Series)
  • Israel (Database of Treaties – website under maintenance)
  • Italy (Archivio dei Trattati Internazionali Online (ATRIO) / Archive of International Treaties Online)
  • Japan (Japanese Treaties Database, Ministry/Diet of Foreign Affairs, in Japanese; see also International Law and Treaties (Japanese Diet of Foreign Affairs, in English)
  • Macao (Republic of China in Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) list of international conventions and bilateral agreements)
  • Mexico (treaty search; see also 2007 list of “tratados bilaterales”, PDF)
  • Netherlands (Treaty Database;see also this Overheid page)
  • New Zealand (NZ Treaties Online; see also the Tractatenblad = Treaties Bulletin)
  • Norway (Norges traktater = Norwegian treaties, via Lovdata)
  • Philippines
  • Poland (Internet Treaty Database)
  • Russian Federation
  • Slovenia (searchable database of the Uradni list Republike Slovenije = Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia which has a section on "Mednarodne pogodbe" = international treaties)
  • South Africa (Treaty Register)
  • South Korea
  • Spain (Guía de Tratados bilaterales con Estados (guide to bilateral treaties) includes BOE citations – 346pp. PDF)
  • Sweden (Sveriges internationella överenskommelser = Sweden's international agreements; see also the Legal Documents page which states that it includes the Swedish Treaty Series)
  • Switzerland (Treaty Database)
  • Taiwan (Republic of China (Taiwan), Treaty and Agreement Database; see also the "Convention" section of Laws & Regulations Database of the Republic of China)
  • Thailand (Treaties and Legal Instruments Database)
  • Turkey (Uluslararası Antlaşmalar / International agreements = Milletlerarası Andlaşmalar)
  • UK
  • U.S. (Treaties & International Agreements Library via HeinOnline; see also treaty site)


Official Gazettes - General Sources

Official Gazettes - By Country