This guide provides recommended resources for Professor Hammond's Comparative Law and the Welfare State class. Below are resources for finding secondary sources on your topics. The menu options to the left list different types of legal resources suggested for your research.
However, this is not intended to be a comprehensive list. If you have any questions and would like a research consultation, please use the contact information on each page to contact or meet with a librarian.
Subject Specific Databases
Interdisciplinary Databases & Catalogs
When you quickly need items that are currently unavailable from the University of Chicago Library or are not owned by the Library search and request materials through...
The Library offers a free service called Scan & Deliver, which provides scans from books and journals in the general collections of the University of Chicago Library. The service is available to current University of Chicago faculty, students, and staff.
Full details, including directions for submitting requests, are on the Scan & Deliver Guide.