The University of Chicago Library's Diverse Books & Open Conversations reading group brings together undergraduate students, graduate/professional students, faculty, staff, alumni, and local community members to read the same book and engage in dialogue. We aim to foster engagement in critical conversations around diversity and inclusion, and strive to enhance the campus climate and build community through a shared experience.
Open to all, we collectively select a book to read and meet to discuss in the Autumn and Spring quarters. Meetings are held either virtually or in-person, depending on current public health guidelines and University policies.
From intersex activist Pidgeon Pagonis comes a candid and life-affirming true story of identity, lies, family secrets, and the healing power of truth.
Pidgeon Pagonis always felt like their life was a constant attempt to fit in with other girls--a feeling that was only exacerbated when puberty failed to hit. They never understood why...until they uncovered the secret that had haunted their childhood. Bouncing between their Chicago home and the city's children's hospital, Pidgeon weathered a series of traumatic surgeries, fabrications, and misdirections.
It wasn't until college that Pidgeon pieced together the puzzle of their identity: they'd been born intersex but raised as a girl, their life shaped by lies that left them physically and mentally scarred. But for Pidgeon, what began as a shameful and traumatic discovery transforms into a painful yet joyous journey of self-love, truth, and healing. Pidgeon's inspiring memoir is for everyone whose body and spirit defy expectations, a fierce challenge to a system hell-bent on enforcing binary definitions. Ultimately, it's a celebration of the freedom and empowerment that come from learning the truth about who you are--and living it.
Please join the discussion of Nobody Needs to Know by Pidgeon Pagonis on Tuesday, October 29th at 4:00PM at Regenstein Library's 260 Suite.
Nobody Needs to Know print book from the University of Chicago Library
Nobody Needs to Know print book from the Chicago Public Library
Nobody Needs to Know from the Seminary Co-Op
Nobody Needs to Know from Unabridged Bookstore