This database includes full text for over 4,500 publications as well as images, for nearly every academic field of study. Full text coverage is especially strong in biology, chemistry, engineering, physics, psychology, religion, and theology. In addition there are over 8,200 abstracted and indexed journals, over 7,000 of which are peer-reviewed.
Includes access to full-text American Lawyer Media (ALM) Survey & Ranking reports, the ability to search law firm data, and access to ready-made Law Firm Reports for 300+ world wide firms.
The Berkeley Electronic Press hosts working papers from many law schools, including Yale, Berkeley, Michigan, and Virginia, and is especially useful for law and economics research. The searching is unreliable, but you can browse papers by topic.
From the well-known provider of business and financial news data and includes in-depth legal analysis, filings, judicial opinions, real-time and archival news, and company and biographical information in a single, integrated database. Bloomberg Law includes customized Practice Centers for the following areas of law: Antitrust, Banking & Finance, Bankruptcy, Benefits & Executive Compensation, Corporate, E-Discovery, Health, International Trade, Labor & Employment, Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibility, Patents & Trade Secrets, Privacy & Data Security, Securities, Tax, Tech & Telecom, and Trademarks & Copyrights.
CALI, the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction, provides access to an extensive collection of interactive, computer-based lessons covering a number of subject areas. The lessons are designed to augment traditional law school instruction and can be assigned as supplemental study material or integrated with other course materials. The lessons are written by law faculty and librarians and are regularly reviewed and revised. The format of the individual lessons varies according to the educational objectives of the author. CALI Lessons are available in one or more of three formats: Windows software, Mac software, and Web. Not all lessons are available in all formats. When selecting a software format lesson, the final step will provide you with detailed download and installation instructions. Read the instructions carefully. Access to the CALI Lessons is limited to the Law School community. In order to access the lessons, you must first register using a University of Chicago CALI authorization code. Ask a Law Librarian for the code in person or via the online chat.
Provides a searchable, browsable research environment that enables users to explore approximately half a million pages and over ninety years of research, expert analysis, and commentary published in briefing papers, special reports, pamphlets, conference papers and books. Users also have access to the full text of Chatham Houses two flagship publications: the leading academic journal International Affairs and the magazine The World Today. Additionally, the archive offers unique access to thousands of hours of audio recordings of Chatham House lectures and their fully searchable transcripts.
Includes primary sources and secondary sources for antitrust, corporate and securities, banking, intellectual property, and tax law, including the Federal Securities Law Reporter, the Trade Regulation Reporter, Standard Federal Tax Reporter, U.S. Tax Treaties Reporter, and many other looseleaf services, treatises, guides, and newsletters.
Legal documents from 1949 to the present. Available in both Chinese and English.
Database of Chinese legal information, which contains all the laws and regulations, cases as well as other legal information promulgated by the Chinese central government and most of local governments since 1949.
Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO) is the most comprehensive source for theory and research in international affairs. It publishes a wide range of scholarship from 1991 onward that includes working papers from university research institutes, occasional papers series from NGOs, foundation-funded research projects, proceedings from conferences, books, journals and policy briefs.
Provides access to CQ resources such as CQ Researcher, CQ Weekly, CQ Electronic Encyclopedia of American Government, Washington Information Directory, CQ Public Affairs Collection, CQ Insider, and CQ Supreme Court Collection.
CQ Supreme Court Collection blends historical analysis with timely updates and expert commentary of Supreme Court decisions, biographies of Supreme Court justices, Supreme Court institutional history, and the U.S. Constitution.
Gale Digital Collections gathers the raw data about crime, its solutions, and the popular response into one archive, Crime, Punishment, and Popular Culture, 1790-1920. The archive's focus is on the most rapid period of evolution for crime and its associated legal/penal systems: the long nineteenth century, a period of major social upheaval and technological development, from wars to the Industrial Revolution. Almost all aspects of society underwent transformation during this time, and the law adapted to these changes...Crime, Punishment, and Popular Culture, 1790-1920 is an archive comprising more than 2 million pages. It contains manuscripts, books, broadsheets, and periodicals, some of the printed matter very scarce, such as Mary Fortune's 1871 The Detective's Album, a pioneering police procedural by a woman author, of which only two hard copies survive. Other material has been held in archives, often widely dispersed, and not always readily accessible to the researcher. Now such matter is digitized and carefully curated to present unparalleled opportunities for study, available all over the world.
More than 1.7 million data points. Unique domestic conflict event data for every country include: Assassinations, General Strikes, Guerrilla Warfare, Major Government Crises, Purges, Riots, Revolutions, and Anti-government Demonstrations.
A weekly index to the latest articles from more than 500 law journals, with tables of contents, from the Gallagher Law Library, University of Washington School of Law.
Early English Books Online (EEBO) features page images of almost every work printed in the British Isles and North America, as well as works in English printed elsewhere from 1470-1700. Over 200 libraries worldwide have contributed to EEBO. From the first book printed in English through to the ages of Spenser, Shakespeare and of the English Civil War, EEBO's content draws on authoritative and respected short-title catalogues of the period and features a substantial number of text transcriptions specially created for the product.
Diverse array of printed sources from the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries. Opens the door to some of the world's most significant collections of early printed books. All works printed in Europe before 1701, regardless of language, fall within the scope of the project, together with all pre-1701 works in European languages printed further afield.
We have access to Collections 1-6, and 12,
Collection 15: Revolution and Reformation: Science and Religion in the Early Modern Period
Collection 17: Statecraft and Law in Early Modern France
Collection 18: History & Chronicles from the Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal
Collection 19: Voyages & Imagination Travel
Collection 20: French Spiritual Life: Religious renewal in early modern France
Collection 21: Peace and Governance
Collection 23: Education, Society and Cultural Life
The Encyclopedia of Law and Religion, unique in its breadth and global coverage, provides an important foundational resource for study of these issues. The encyclopedia covers the relation between law and religion in its various aspects, including those related to the role of religion in society, the relations between religion and state institutions, freedom of religion, legal aspects of religious traditions, the interaction between law and religion, and other issues at the junction of law, religion, and state.
Available via HeinOnline
The English Reports (full reprint) was issued in 178 volumes. It contains over 100,000 cases from 265 separate series of Reports, arranged by Courts, from the years 1220 to 1867. Searchable by case name, keyword, English Reports citation and nominate citation. Also includes 11 volumes of the Statutes of the Realm, the laws of England from the 13th Century to 1713.
E&E's four daily online publications (ClimateWire, E&E Daily, Greenwire and E&ENews PM) are considered 'must-reads' by people who track and influence energy, environmental and climate policy. ClimateWire tracks the politics and policy on climate change issues, both nationally and globally. ClimateWire is published at 8:00 a.m. and is designed to provide comprehensive, daily coverage of all aspects of climate change issues. E&E Daily and Greenwire both track environmental and energy issues. While E&E Daily focuses on environmental and energy legislation in the U.S. Congress, Greenwire covers how these issues play out in the courts, states and federal agencies. E&E Daily is published every day Congress is in session at 8:30 a.m. and Greenwire is published 5 days a week at noon, Eastern Time. E&ENews PM is published daily at 4:30 p.m., and brings late-breaking developments from Capitol Hill. Publisher's website
An environmental, natural resources, toxic tort, energy, health/safety, and land use law research tool containing original source documents, editorial summaries, and expert analysis on state, federal, and international issues.
Includes federal and state cases (including tax, claims, and bankruptcy courts), statutes, and regulations. Fastcase also provides access to a newspaper archive, legal forms, and a one-stop PACER search of federal filings through their content partners.
This encyclopedia covers today's leading cases, major statutes, legal terms and concepts, notable persons involved with the law, and important documents. Includes topics such as the Americans with Disabilities Act, capital punishment, domestic violence, gay and lesbian rights, physician-assisted suicide and more. Publisher's Website
Access Gallup data from countries that are home to more than 98% of the world's population through a state-of-the-art Web-based portal. Gallup Analytics puts Gallup's best global intelligence in users' hands to help them better understand the strengths and challenges of the world's countries and regions. Users can access Gallup's U.S. Daily tracking and World Poll data to compare residents' responses region by region and nation by nation to questions on topics such as economic conditions, government and business, health and well-being, infrastructure, and education.
GlobaLex is a free online legal publication comprising research guides, tools, and articles on foreign, comparative, and international law topics written by scholars, lawyers, and law librarians well known in their respective fields. GlobaLex has foreign legal research guides for over 100 countries, over 50 international legal research topics from the African Union to Human Trafficking to International Treaties to the United Nations, and guides to researching foreign law generally, African law, comparative family law, religious legal systems, and the law of Latin American countries. GlobaLex is published by the Hauser Global Law School Program at NYU School of Law.
"Fully searchable online database of more than 1000 judgments, constitutions and international instruments on the intersection between health and human rights." Produced by the Lawyers Collective and the O'Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown Law.
Contains English translations of laws from many jurisdictions, especially Canada, Australia, and European countries. You can do one Global Law Search or search individual country's laws via the Global Regulation Law Database Coverage Details page. The page also lists the total number of laws for each country or jurisdiction (including the European Union) and has a scope of coverage map.
Central source for official US docs.
Featured Collections
* Code of Federal Regulations
* Compilation of Presidential Documents
* Congressional Bills
* Congressional Documents
* Congressional Hearings
* Congressional Record
* Congressional Reports
* Economic Indicators
* Federal Register
* Public and Private Laws
* United States Code
and much more
Include links to foreign primary law, legal research guides, and general country resources under "Nations of the World", international organizations under "International and Multinational", and the Indigenous Law Portal.
Brill database that includes "updated summaries of 300+ WTO/GATT panel, Appellate body, or arbitrator reports" and "indexes cross-referencing the reports by key word, article, country, subject, panelist, member, and more".
Searchable full text, page images, and PDF versions of law journal articles from the first issue to the present, plus the Federal Register from 1936 to 1980, U.S. Supreme Court opinions from 1754 to the present, and U.S. treaties from 1776 to the present.
The HeinOnline Law Journal Library provides full-text access to law reviews and journals. Coverage begins with a journal's first volume but does not usually include its most recent issues.
Human Rights Studies Online is a research and learning database providing comparative documentation, analysis, and interpretation of major human rights violations and atrocity crimes worldwide from 1900 to 2010. The collection includes primary and secondary materials across multiple media formats and content types for each selected event, including Armenia, the Holocaust, Cambodia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Rwanda, Darfur, and more than thirty additional subjects.
ICLR is the authorized publisher of The Law Reports for the UK Supreme Court, Courts of Appeals, and High Courts of England and Wales. In addition to case reports and summaries, ICLR offers access to UK legislation through integration with ICLR also includes a citator, a Briefcase function and print and PDF output options. Supreme Court and House of Lords judgments include a report of the arguments of counsel. Case coverage is from 1865 to present.
Online version of Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education course handbooks. You can browse the list of titles or search by keyword, and print PDF files of relevant sections or chapters. Forms are usually included.
Use of this resource requires logging in with a University of Chicago IP address. To logon to a University of Chicago IP address remotely, please use the cVPN.
Multilingual and multinational, the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals indexes articles and book reviews appearing in over 500 legal periodicals. Also analyzed are the contents of approximately 80 individually published collections of legal essays, festschrifts, melanges, and congressional reports. An invaluable reference tool, the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals is noted for its broad coverage of legal journals and essays across jurisdictions and language boundaries.
Covers July 1981 to present. Index to Legal Periodicals & Books has been relied on for over 50 years for complete coverage of the most important English language legal information. Users will appreciate international coverage and access to scholarly articles, symposia, jurisdictional surveys, court decisions, legislation, books, book reviews, and more. This is an excellent resource for attorneys, educators, business people, law librarians, students, paralegals, and others involved with the law.
Encyclopedia sets on 25 subject areas of foreign, comparative, and international law: Civil Procedure, Commercial and Economic Law, Competition Law, Constitutional Law, Contracts, Corporations and Partnerships, Criminal Law, Cyber Law, Energy Law, Environmental Law, Family and Succession Law, Insurance Law, Intellectual Property, Intergovernmental Organisations (international organizations), Labour Law and Industrial Relations, Media Law, Medical Law, Migration Law, Private International Law, Property and Trust Law, Religion, Social Security Law, Sports Law, Tort Law, Transport Law).
Investment Arbitration Reporter is a news & analysis service tracking international arbitrations between foreign investors and sovereign governments.
IAReporter helps a broad range of readers - including lawyers, academics and government officials - stay abreast of the latest legal developments and policy trends in investment treaty arbitration.
A research tool in the area of investment treaty arbitration. ISLG contains rules, conventions, bilateral investment treaties, free trade agreements (including NAFTA), and arbitration decisions, all of which are cross-referenced.
International commercial arbitration database including major international arbitration journals, treaties, rules and decisions of arbitral tribunals, treatises, and other commentary.
Twelve e-journals including pre-2003 Common Market Law Review issues, Journal of International Arbitration, Journal of World Trade, and World Competition from the first volume to the last 4-5 years.
Features news on Class Actions, Product Liability, Corporate and Securities, Appellate Practice, Intellectual Property, and Labor & Employment law, plus all the news from the American Lawyer, the National Law Journal, the New York Law Journal, the Recorder, and other legal newspapers and magazines from American Lawyer Media.
Publishes breaking news and analysis with a focus on major litigation across more than 35 practice areas. Users can set up email alerts by clicking in the upper right hand corner where it says, "University of Chicago Law S..."
A full-text news and information service that provides access to newspapers, magazines, news wires, news transcripts, business, and legal information. Dates of coverage vary by title.
For more information about academic use and to sign up for the required online training, go to Lex Machina Public Interest.
Lex Machina is a litigation analytics tool that captures data by crawling PACER, ITC's EDIS, USPTO, and state court data every 24 hours. It then mines this litigation data to reveal insights about judges, lawyers, parties, and patents. Law School faculty, students, and staff may request access for academic research.
This collection consists of the extant files of cases from the records of the U.S. District and Circuit Courts at Springfield with which Abraham Lincoln has been identified as legal counsel, and date from 1855 to 1861. The 122 case files reproduced here include civil actions brought under both statute and common law, admiralty litigation, and a few criminal cases.
LLMC is a non-profit cooperative serving member libraries' needs for preservation, space recovery, and collection development on film and online. In its first 27 years of operation, it filmed over 7,500 titles, some 90,000 volumes, of interest to researchers in law and history. Its backfile comprises the world's largest collection of legal literature and government documents in microform. That backfile, and future filming of some 10,000 volumes per year, are being made available for online access on this website.
MoML VI: FCIL is a legal history digital product containing treatises on international law, comparative law, civil and European law, and the history of law since Roman times. These legal treatises were published from 1600-1926 and are in English, French, German, Spanish, and other Western European languages. MoML VI contains classic works on international law by Gentili, Grotius, Vattel and others. It covers Ancient Law, Roman Law, Jewish Law, and Islamic Law. It also includes monographs covering the law of Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, and other foreign jurisdictions
Collection includes regulations, session laws, journals, codes and commentaries of northern, central, and eastern European jurisdictions (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Great Britain, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland) with 50% of the collection in English. Sourced from the collections of the Yale, Harvard, and George Washington University Law Libraries. Collection also includes historical legal codes and similar statutory materials, as well as commentaries on codes, drawn from Spain, Portugal, Italy, Latin America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and Asia. Analogous materials from canon law and Roman law are also included. Features important historical sources of world civil law and jurisprudence, as well as basic materials from a number of common-law jurisdictions.
Based on holdings of the law libraries of Harvard and Yale, and the Library of the Bar of the City of New York, the product offers online access to these important collections.
Downloadable files of U.S. Supreme Court briefs and records. Holdings are searchable by text or by term year, author, case name, docket number, or citation.
Manupatra offers the full text of judgments from the Supreme Court of India and the state High Courts; colonial era cases; tribunal decisions; national legislation; commentaries on major laws; selected state laws; and government ministry regulations and guidelines, in areas such as human rights, foreign trade, commerce, and taxation.
Includes two modules, online versions of the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL/EPIL) and the Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law (MPEiPro), on the Oxford Public International Law (OPIL) platform.
Provides in-depth coverage of federal government policy making for both the executive and the legislative branches. Includes American Health Line, CongressDaily, The Hotline, House Race Hotline, and Technology Daily as well as the National Journal.
Formerly SourceOECD. The online library of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. SourceOECD includes books and reports, journals and the OECD statistical databases.
Research resource comprising encyclopedia-type articles and annotated bibliographies on international law topics compiled by experts in the field. The bibliographies are "recommendations on the best works...whether it be a chapter, a book, a journal article, a website, an archive, or data set."
Contains fully-translated English-language versions of all the world's constitutions (both national and sub-national), accompanied by individual commentaries, supplementary materials, including foundation documents, historical constitutions, and amendment Acts/laws.
Oxford Handbooks in Criminology bring together the world's leading scholars to discuss research and the latest thinking in a range of major topics in criminology. Containing specially-commissioned essays with extensive referencing to further reading, the handbooks offer both thorough introductions to topics in the discipline, and a useful reference resource for scholars and advanced students.
Oxford Handbooks in Law bring together the world's leading scholars to discuss research and the latest thinking in a range of major topics in law. Containing specially-commissioned essays with extensive referencing to further reading, the handbooks offer both thorough introductions to topics in the discipline, and a useful reference resource for scholars and advanced students.
Investment Claims aims to publish all publicly available awards and decisions arising out of international investment arbitrations and related enforcement or review decisions from national courts. The collection includes over 300 arbitral awards, decisions, and determinations under the auspices of bodies such as the ICC International Court of Arbitration, International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), and others.
ORIL is a current awareness service for alerts about new international law cases, with full texts of case-law, English translations, and expert analyses. We subscribe to the following modules: 1) Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts (ILDC); 2) Oxford Reports on International Criminal Law; 3) Oxford Reports on International Human Rights Law; 4) Oxford Reports on International Courts of General Jurisdiction; 5) Oxford Reports on International Investment Claims.
Contains the full-text of market-leading reference works and treatises published by the Oxford University Press, including Oppenheim and the Oxford Commentaries on International Law.
Reference resource to help researchers understand the legal and political history of American constitutionalism. This collection contains an archive of both primary source materials and expert commentary that spans the colonial era and founding through the modern day.
For Law School users, PACER is searchable via Bloomberg Law. If you have other questions about searching PACER, please contact a reference librarian.
Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) is an electronic public access service that allows users to obtain case and docket information from Federal Appellate, District and Bankruptcy courts, and from the U.S. Party/Case Index. For Law School users, PACER is searchable via Bloomberg Law. If you have other questions about searching PACER, please contact a reference librarian.
Transactional law resource that provides model documents (with legal drafting and negotiating tips), step-by-step checklists, timelines, handy overviews of transactional practice areas, and legal updates on the latest market developments. PLC focuses on corporate, securities, and finance law. Free accounts are available for Law School students, faculty, and staff; sign up on the PLC website.
Provides full text of committee hearings since 1817, Congressional committee reports since 1990, House and Senate Documents since 1995, selected committee prints since 1995, bills since 1789, and the Congressional Record since 1985.
Extensive compilation of legislative histories of U.S. public laws enacted from 1789-present used to discover the legislative intent behind a specific law. Histories include the full text of the public law itself, all versions of related bills, law-specific Congressional Record excerpts, committee hearings, reports, prints, presidential signing statements, CRS reports, and other miscellaneous congressional publications. All documents are full-text, searchable PDFs.
The Legal Scholarship Network publishes a series of electronic journals of abstracts -- of working papers as well as articles -- in various areas of law. The Legal Scholarship Network also publishes weekly Professional Announcements that include announcements such as important professional meetings, calls for papers and special issues of journals, and Professional Job Listings.
More than 240 data points for every case from 1991 to 2015 terms. Tables may be downloaded for use with Excel, R, or STATA, or you may generate your own datasets or cross-tabulations online.
A unique web-based service for understandable, authoritative and complete information about the federal government - how it enforces the law, where it assigns its employees, and how it spends our money. Available to current students, staff, and faculty of the University of Chicago.
Includes full runs of the UN Yearbook, Reports of International Arbitral Awards (R.I.A.A.), historic archives, video lecture series, and bibliographies.
The Uniform Law Commission (ULC, also known as the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws) provides states with suggested uniform laws. State legislatures decide whether to adopt the uniform laws in their original form, or amended. Uniform laws have brought greater clarity and stability to many areas of law. Use the Final Acts and Legislation tab on the right to find the laws and determine which states have adopted them.
The electronic repository for official documents published by the United Nations. The full text of documents is accessible in PDF format in all official languages of the United Nations--Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.
Mutiple databases including the United Nations Treaty Series, over 50,000 bilateral and multilateral treaties and subsequent treaty actions in their authentic language(s), along with a translation into English and French, as appropriate.
U.S. Law Week reports on the activities of the Supreme Court, those lower court decisions expected have a broad and significant impact on the law, and other noteworthy legal news items. The "Circuit Splits" feature highlights splits among different federal circuits.
Global foreign law database which contains cases, statutes, and other legal materials in 13 languages for 134 countries. It is strongest for the law of the following countries: Spain, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Portugal, Italy, the UK, Belgium, France, and the U.S.
Contains national laws and treaties on copyright, patents, and trademarks, as well as intellectual property (IP)-related legislation such as civil codes, constitutions, etc.
Includes links to laws by country, subject, and law type (cases, statutes, treaties, constitutions), with a focus on common law jurisdictions; law journal articles; decisions of international tribunals; part of the Free Access to Law Movement (FALM).