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GRMN 22519: Schlechte Zeit für Lyrik: Poetry and Crisis

A guide to library resources for students in GRMN 22519 Schlechte Zeit für Lyrik: Poetry and Crisis, Dr. Sophie Salvo, instructor (Fall 2019)

Scholarly Sources and Peer Review (Video)

Searching Articles Plus

Searching for articles via the Library's Articles Plus search box is a great first place to start looking for articles. Note though: Articles Plus doesn't search all resources.

Scholary Article Databases

Using scholarly article databases provide more precise search options than Articles Plus. When you locate an article citation in a database (but not the full-text), click on  -University of Chicago SFX Menu- in the record. You'll see if it's available online, how to locate the item in the library, or how to request from another library.


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