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Law Database Tutorials

Recommended videos and written instructions for commonly-used law databases.

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Getting Started with Lexis+

Lexis+ is a comprehensive law database which includes primary law, secondary sources, and practical guidance. You might be interested in using the following tools available in Lexis Advance:

  • Shepard's: a citator which helps you verify whether a case or statute is still "good law," and which expands your search by helping you find additional primary law related to your issue. "Shepardizing" refers to checking a case or statute's standing.
  • Practice Advisor: Find practical guidance for several practice areas.
  • Litigation Profile Suite: Learn biographical information about judges, attorneys, or witnesses.
  • Public Records: Find information about a business or an individual, including liens, bankruptcy filings, and litigation.

Searching Techniques

This video explains how to efficiently search using terms and connectors. (5:25)

Research Strategies

Researching an Open Memo

Learn one approach to beginning an open memo assignment. (7:06)

Practice Area Research

This short video explains how to find the most relevant materials for a specific practice area. (5:26)

Statistics & Analysis

Lex Machina

Lex Machina allows you to learn about judges' and firms' current activities and past history. (1:31)

Researching Opposing Counsel

Litigation Profile Suite allows you to review opposing counsel's past strategies and court filings. (3:08)


This video demonstrate how you can track a bill and monitor its probability of passage. (2:58)

Citator: Shepard's

How to Shepardize

This video provides a thorough explanation of the Shepard's tool, which helps you determine whether your cited primary law is still good law. (3:25)