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Library Services & Collections for Study Abroad

Information about Library resources and services available to undergraduates in the UChicago Study Abroad programs.

What are Course Reserves?

Course reserves are high-demand resources assigned for a specific course.

Articles, book chapters, or essays on reserve are available electronically (E-Reserve).

Books, films, music or other items that are not available online are placed physically "on reserve" at the Library.  These items are available behind the Circulation Desk at the Library and are available on a short loan (2 hours, 4 hours, or sometimes 24 or 48 hours).

Finding Course Reserves For Your Class on Canvas

  1. Log into Canvas, select Courses, and select the appropriate course.
  2. Select Library Reserves from the menu on the left. This will open a page listing all of the library course reserves that your instructor has selected for the term.

E-Reserves vs. Reserve Items Held at the Library

Some course reserves can be accessed online directly from this page. To access these e-reserves, click View Item to open the PDF or a link to the PDF.

Other items may be held at a Circulation/Reserves Desk at a campus library. To check these items out:

  1. Click View Availability to view the Library Catalog record.
  2. Note the item's location (i.e. "Regenstein, 1st Floor Reserve Desk"), call number, loan period, and availability.
  3. Then, bring the call number, along with your UChicago ID, to the item's location to check it out.

Be sure to ask when the item is due. Reserve items have short loan periods of 2 hours, 4 hours, or sometimes 24 or 48 hours. Reserve items that are returned late incur a fee of $3/hour ($100 maximum). 


Course Reserves FAQs

What are the policies for physical items on reserve at the Library?

  • Loan Periods: Usually 2, 4, or 24 hours, and fines accrue as soon as the item is late.
  • Check-Out Limits: You may only borrow 2 reserves items at a time (except for D'Angelo Law Library reserves).
  • Returns: You must return reserves items to the campus library where you borrowed them.
  • No Repeat Check-Outs: You must wait 20 minutes after returning a reserves item to borrow it again, unless an identical copy is currently available.
  • No Recalls or Renewals:  Reserves items are available on a first come, first serve basis.  You cannot renew or recall reserve items.

Where can I check out course materials from?
All campus libraries, with the exception of the Mansueto Library, have reserve collections.  Check the record for the item to see which campus library holds the reserve item you need.  The record will also let you know how long you can check out the item.

What are the fines for returning course reserves late?
View late fines for reserve items.

My instructor said that an assigned reading is on reserve, but it is not showing on Chalk or Canvas! How do I access the item?
Contact Library Course Reserves for assistance. We can check to see if the item is in process.  If not, you may need to speak to your instructor.

How can I find out when reserve items become available?
Subscribe for e-mail alerts under "Class Details".

I'm auditing a class, but I cannot access the Chalk or Canvas course site.  How do I access reserve items for the course?
You must contact the instructor and ask to be added to your course site. Once you are added, you will be able to access course reserve items.

Why can't I access the reserve readings from my course from last quarter?
Due to copyright, we need to remove items on reserve after the course is completed.  If you remember the reading, Ask a Librarian.  We may be able to find another version of the item for you.

What are permanent reserves and how do I find them?

The Library keeps some books or other print items on reserve year-round, even when they are not requested for a course.  The physical reserves policies apply to permanent reserves. Permanent reserves items are not associated to a course, and must be located by searching the Library Catalog.  Crerar Library also maintains a list of Core Science Texts on Permanent Reserve, organized by subject. Eckhart Library maintains a similar list of items on Permanent Reserve at Eckhart.


For Instructors and TAs

For information on placing items on reserve for a course your teaching, please visit our guide:

Ask a Librarian