Access Mango Languages online or through free mobile apps for iPhone and Android.
Similar to Rosetta Stone, Mango is an online language-learning system that teaches conversation skills in more than 50 languages including Spanish, French, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, German, Mandarin Chinese, Greek, Italian and English.
Access Mango Languages online or through free mobile apps for iPhone and Android.
Similar to Rosetta Stone, Mango is an online language-learning system that teaches conversation skills in more than 50 languages including Spanish, French, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, German, Mandarin Chinese, Greek, Italian and English.
The Library has access to newspapers from around the world! Use them to gain insights into what's happening in your host country and to practice your language skills.
Intercultural learning : critical preparation for international student travel by Jones, PeterIntercultural learning: Critical preparation for international student travel aims to take students beyond practical preparation, to equip them with a critical lens through which to view and understand their international experiences. The book leads students toward a deeper understanding of culture and cultural difference through an exploration of challenging concepts such as imperialism, racism, privilege and intercultural practice. As an adjunct to traditional approaches, the book adds a significant and valuable dimension to the process of preparing students for international study, increasing the potential for meaningful and transformative learning experiences.
ISBN: 0994503997
Publication Date: 2018
Preparing to Study Abroad by Steven T. Duke; Steven S. Reinemund (Foreword by); Ken Bouyer (Foreword by)Study abroad is a potentially valuable experience in today's global economy. With proper preparation it can be transformational. It can open you to the appreciation of other cultures; develop the transferable intercultural skills for interacting with people from different backgrounds; and deepen your self-awareness about your values and expectations. It can build confidence as you learn to navigate unfamiliar situations, and help you deal with the ambiguities of life. Study abroad also develops knowledge and insights about our interconnected world that will serve you well whether you choose a career in business, non-profits, education, or government. A recent study by IES Abroad found that many employers value the intercultural skills and personal development that students gain from their travel. Students who had studied abroad reported higher starting salaries and were more likely to have landed a job within six months of graduation than the national average. This book is written for you, as a student who is learning about the world first-hand, and probably traveling abroad for the first time. It addresses the challenges of adapting thinking and behavior as you travel in an unfamiliar environment, of making the most of the opportunities, and of meeting and interacting with the locals. This book is designed to help you prepare for your study abroad experience so you can get the most from it, and gain critical intercultural skills while crossing cultures. It offers strategies for learning about and exploring cultural differences and similarities of the country you will visit; and advice about how to actively observe and participate in the life of the locality in which you will find yourself. Each chapter illustrates key concepts through the personal accounts of students who have "been there, done that." This book aims to help you with your own personal journey, and to make your study abroad experience as meaningful, rewarding, and insightful as possible.
ISBN: 9781579229955
Publication Date: 2014
Study abroad and the quest for an anti-tourism experience by Bodinger de Uriarte, John J.With contributions from anthropologists and cultural theorists, Study Abroad and the Quest for an Anti-Tourism Experienceexamines the culture and cultural implications of student travel. Drawing on rich case studies from the Arctic to Africa, Asia to the Americas, this impressive array of experts focuses on the challenges and ethical implications of student engagement, service and volunteering, immersion, research in the field, local community engagement, and crafting a new generation of active, engaged global citizens. This volume is a must-read for students, practitioners, and scholars.
ISBN: 9781498583275
Publication Date: 2021
Transforming Study Abroad by Neriko Musha DoerrWritten for study abroad practitioners, this book introduces theoretical understandings of key study abroad terms including "the global/national," "culture," "native speaker," "immersion," and "host society." Building theories on these notions with perspectives from cultural anthropology, political science, educational studies, linguistics, and narrative studies, it suggests ways to incorporate them in study abroad practices. Through attention to daily activities via the concept of immersion, it reframes study abroad not as an encounter with cultural others but as an occasion to analyze constructions of "differences" in daily life, backgrounded by structural arrangements.
Call Number: LB2375 .D64 2019
ISBN: 1789201152
Publication Date: 2019
The Handbook of Practice and Research in Study Abroad by Ross Lewin (Editor)Co-published with the Association for American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) If we are all becoming global citizens, what then are our civic responsibilities? Colleges and universities across the United States have responded to this question by making the development of global citizens part of their core mission. A key strategy for realizing this goal is study abroad. After all, there may be no better way for students to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to become effective change-agents in international contexts. The Handbook of Practice and Research in Study Abroad is a comprehensive survey of the field. Each chapter eloquently conveys an enthusiasm for study abroad alongside a critical assessment of the most up-to-date research, theory and practice. This contributed volume brings together expert academics, senior administrators, practitioners of study abroad, and policy makers from across the United States, Canada and other part of the world, who meticulously address the following questions: What do we mean by global citizenship and global competence? What are the philosophical, pedagogical and practical challenges facing institutions as they endeavor to create global citizens? How is study abroad and global citizenship compatible with the role of the academy? What are the institutional challenges to study abroad, including those related to ethics, infrastructure, finances, accessibility, and quality control? Which study abroad programs can be called successful? The Handbook of Practice and Research in Study Abroad is an indispensable reference volume for scholars, higher education faculty, study abroad professionals, policy makers, and the academic libraries that serve these audiences. It is also appropriate for a wide range of courses in Higher Education Master's and Ph.D. Programs.