The Electronic Journals Database provides access to the majority of the electronic journal titles available through the University of Chicago Library. Browse by journal title or conduct a title keyword or ISSN search.
Full-text access to 125,000 multidisciplinary e-books representing a broad range of academic subject matter. Also includes over 4,000 public-domain e-books.
There are many Library services that are available to you while you are studying abroad! This guide highlights a few of the ways the Library can support you while you're away, including:
Preparing to study in your host country;
Helping you access ebooks, book chapter, and articles; and
Accessing Library tools and help from off-campus.
Accessing the Library's Online Resources from Off-Campus
All links on the Library's website are configured for the campus proxy server, which means that you just need to log in with your CNetID and password to connect.
ProxyIt! is a tool that adds proxy server information to links that do not include it. So if you go to or Google Scholar, you can use this tool to link to our subscription.
VPN Software IT Services offers this as an alternative way to access restricted resources, especially for countries or internet service providers with firewalls.