The Microform Collection and equipment is self-serve and available during building hours.
Help with Regenstein microforms is available in Monday-Friday 10am-5pm in the Map Collection (Regenstein 370). Library Information Services Student Assistants are available on weekends or evenings. Assistance includes:
Microforms are photographic reproductions, typically of print material, which have been reduced in scale from that which is readable by the unaided eye and transferred to either transparent or opaque materials. Most of the microforms in the University of Chicago Library collection are microfilm and microfiche, which are transparencies.
All microforms require special equipment to view, print, or scan them.
Microform scanners are available in Regenstein's 3rd Floor Reading Room, near the Microforms Collection.
The Library provides ScanPro 3000 digital microform scanners, which work with all microformats.
The Brigham Young University Family History Library has created these videos that cover three different ways to use the ScanPro software.
General Microfilm use
This allows you to scan an entire reel of microfilm
The software manufacturer has a long video that covers all of the features.