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ETS Tests in Microfiche

Locating ETS Tests in Microfiche


Not all tests within the ETS database have full-text available; some must be purchased from the owner of the test.   The University of Chicago Library has 1975-2004, Set AA - Set DD.  More current tests are now sometimes downloadable witin the ETS database.   To search for full-text ETS tests on microfiche:

  • Go to ETS Test Link.  
  • Type TIM in the Order Information field [TIM stands for Tests in Microfiche]
  • Use the Advanced Search tab to combine the TIM search with another search parameter, such as subject or title.  
  • Click on "Search."

Locating the microfiche in Regenstein Library:

How to find the right fiche in the cabinet

Here is the information you need to take from the ETS database to find the microfiche:

Screenshot of ETS search results record highlighting the Acronyms letter and call number.
Screenshot of ETS search results record highlighting the Acronyms letter and call number.


Sample fiche:

Photograph of microfiche showing location of Acronyms letter and call number.Photograph of microfiche showing location of Acronyms letter and call number.

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