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HIPS 17502: Science, Culture, and Society III: Modern Science

Professor James A. Evans (HIPS 17502/History 17502)

Starting Points

Electronic Books: 18th-19th Century

Rare Books and Manuscripts

Many major research libraries have collections of rare books which support scholarship in the history of science.  The following are just a few selected collections.

Locate and Request Rare Books Using the Library Catalog

Biographical Information

  • Dictionary of scientific biography, Charles Coulston Gillispie, editor-in-chief. New York : Scribner, [1970-] 18 volume set.
    Crerar Reference, Q141.D5
  • Nobel lectures, including presentation speeches and laureates' biographies: Physiology or medicine. New York : Published for the Nobel Foundation by Elsevier Pub. Co., 1964
    Crerar Stacks QH311.N74
  • The Nobel Prize winners. Physiology or medicine, edited by Frank N. Magill. Pasadena, Calif. : Salem Press, c1991.
    Crerar Reference, R134.N630 1991
  • Biographisch-literarisches Handw?rterbuch der exakten Naturwissenschaften. Poggendorff, J. C. Excellent resource if you can read German.
    Crerar Reference, Z7403.P74 1994.
  • A select bibliography of medical biography: with an introductory essay on medical biography, by John L. Thornton. Edition 2nd ed.
    Crerar Reference, Z6658.T505 1970
  • A bibliography of medical and biomedical biography, Leslie T. Morton and Robert J. Moore. Edition 2nd ed. Aldershot, Hants, England : Scholar Press ; Brookfield, VT : Ashgate Pub. Co., c1994.
    Crerar Reference, Z6660.5.M670 1994
  • Index to Scientistst of the World from Ancient to Modern Times: Biographies and Portraits. Ireland, Norma Olin. Boston, MA. 1962. This is only an index. You will need to track down the original source once you get the reference.
    Crerer Reference, Z7404.I65 


Contact Information

Rebecca Starkey
Regenstein Reference Librarian
Regenstein Library, 1st floor
Email Rebecca

Deb Werner
Biomedical Reference Librarian
Crerar Library Room 127
Email Deb

Andrea Twiss-Brooks
Director of Research and Teaching Support
Regenstein Library Room 181
Email Andrea

Catherine Uecker
Rare Books Librarian
Regenstein Library, The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, Rm 130
Email Catherine