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Palestine Studies

Guide to getting started with research related to Palestine and Palestinians

Searching for Primary Sources

The following terms are found in the subject headings of records for published primary sources.

  • sources
  • diaries
  • personal narratives 
  • songs
  • pamphlets
  • speeches
  • maps
  • caricatures and cartoons
  • pictorial works (for compilations of photographs or other visual materials)
  • specimens
  • periodicals

Sample catalog searches

There are two main ways that you can search the SUBJECT field in the Library catalog.

1. If you want to browse subject terms, select "Browse Alphabetically: Subject" from the drop-down menu and search on broad categories, like "Palestine poetry."

Because this is an alphabetical search, the word order matters; "Palestine -- Poetry" will have different search results than "Poetry -- Palestine." And both of these will have different results than "Palestinian poetry"

screen shot of subject browse search for "Palestine poetry"


2. If you want to find resources with your terms anywhere in the subject field, search the Library Catalog and select SUBJECT from the drop down menu.

The order of the words does not matter in a Keyword Subject search: poetry Palestine will have the same search results as Palestine poetry. This search has the benefit of including results for both "Palestine -- poetry" and "Poetry of Place -- Palestine."

screen shot of search results for keyword subject search for poetry palestine

All Fields Search vs. Subject Search

Search All Fields of a catalog record to find titles with your keywords in any field. A Subject search will search only the Subject field. 

Use a All Fields search to broaden your search and use a subject search to refine your search.

Not all search terms will have a corresponding subject term. For example, a keyword search includes chapter titles. If you search All Fields for Palestine poetry results will include titles not found in a subject search for Palestine poetry

screen shot of search results for keyword search for Palestine poetry-

Subject Specialist

Profile Photo
Marlis J. Saleh
Bibliographer for Middle East Studies
Joseph Regenstein Library,
Room 563
(773) 702-8425
Subjects: Middle East

Subject Specialist

Profile Photo
Anne Knafl
Joseph Regenstein Library