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Information on accessing datasets at ICPSR

What is ICPSR?

ICPSR (The Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research) is a repository of social science data that has been shared by researchers. It contains public opinion polls, longitudinal studies, census data, and more.

Finding and Accessing Data

ICPSR is free to search but you must log in to download data.

Create a Researcher Passport account to access all of the datasets that are part of our membership. Once you create an account, you can access ICPSR from anywhere. You will need to log in from campus or through the proxy server every six months to re-establish your affiliation.

Some data are free for the public to download, but you must still log in using a Researcher Passport account or an account from a supported website (Google, ORCID iD, or LinkedIn).

Staff at ICPSR recommend using this link only for establishing accounts. The proxy server can cause issues when downloading datasets and doing online analysis.

Analyzing Data

Most data in ICPSR requires statistical software for analysis. A limited number of datasets can be analyzed using online tools.

Data are available in many different file formats. Recent data are formatted for SAS, SPSS and Stata and all data are available in ASCII plain text.


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Elizabeth Foster
Regenstein Library Room 366