UNDP Climate Change Country Profiles
Each report contains a set of maps and diagrams demonstrating the observed and projected climates of that country. A narrative summarizes the data in the figures. A dataset containing the underlying observed and model data for that country, is made available for use in further research projects in text format which can easily downloaded, read and manipulated.
Historical Climate Data for Canada
Monthly Meteorological Summary (QC985.5.O6A2 Crerar Library - print)
Monthly Record: Meteorological Observations in Canada
Historical Central England Temperature Data (researchers may apply for free access)
With data from 1659+ this is the longest available instrumental record of temperature in the world
The Climate of London (QC989.G7H85 Regenstein Special Collections - print)
This work is also available online to UChicago users
UK Weather Data
Provides a variety of observational data, both current and historical.
Andrea Twiss-Brooks
Director, Humanities and Area Studies
Chemistry and Geophysical Sciences Librarian
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