Gerald Lebovits et al., "Winning the Moot Court Oral Argument: A Guide for Intra- and Intermural Moot Court Competitors," 41 Capital U. L. Rev. 887 (2013).
"Writing an Appellate Brief: A Primer for Transactional Lawyers," Probate & Property Magazine (May/June 2013).
Make Your Argument: Succeeding in Moot Court and Mock Trial / John Korzen D'Angelo Law, Bookstacks, XXKF281.A2 K67 2010
Winning on Appeal: Better Briefs and Oral Argument / by Ruggero J. Aldisert D’Angelo Law Reserve XXKF9050 .A9352 2003
A Practical Guide to Appellate Advocacy / Mary Beth Beazley D’Angelo Law Reserve XXKF251.B42 2010
Effective Appellate Advocacy: Brief Writing and Oral Argument / by Carole C. Berry D’Angelo Law Reserve XXKF251.B432 2009
Effective Appellate Advocacy / Frederick Bernays Wiener; [edited by] Christopher T. Lutz and William Pannill D’Angelo Law Reserve XXKF9050.W5 2004
Persuasive Written and Oral Advocacy in Trial and Appellate Courts / Michael R. Fontham, Michael Vitiello, David W. Miller D'Angelo Law Reserve Room, XXKF251.F67 2007
Brief Writing & Oral Argument / by Edward D. Re and Joseph R. Re D’Angelo Law Bookstacks XXKF251.R4 2005
Introduction to Advocacy: Research, Writing, and Argument / edited by David Ware, Gregory Lantier, Mandana Dashtaki D’Angelo Law Reserve XXKF281.A2I572 2002
Supreme Court Practice: For Practice in the Supreme Court of the United States / by Eugene Gressman - Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said of this book that it “has proved an invaluable resource for as long as I have studied, practiced before and participated in, the Supreme Court.”] D’Angelo Law Reserve XXKF9057.S8 2013