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Library Services for Law Faculty

Information about D'Angelo Law Library services for Law faculty.

Chicago Unbound Monthly Statistics

Chicago Unbound provides citation metrics through its Author Dashboards.  Metrics include downloads over selected time periods, most downloaded individual paper, geographic range, and referring URL.  If you would like to receive monthly or quarterly reports of citaiton metrics from Chicago Unbound, contact Sheri Lewis, Law Library Director.


ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a type of author identifier.  ORCID aims to solve the name ambiguity problem in research and scholarly communication by creating a central registry of unique identifiers for individual researchers and an open and transparent linking mechanism between ORCiD and other current researcher ID schemes. 

HeinOnline has recently integrated with ORCID. Instructions on how to create an ORCID and link it you your HeinOnline Author Profile are here. Instructions on how to link a pre-existing ORCID to HeinOnline Author Profile are here

HeinOnline Author Profiles

HeinOnline's Author Profiles include a list of articles in HeinOnline written by the author, citation metrics, and photographs, biographical information, institution affiliation and links to social media accounts, if desired.  Searchers in HOL can click on an author's name from search results or from the table of contents to view the Author's Profile page. You can set up alerts to advise you when new work added to HeinOnline cites your work. Other users can set up alerts to advise them when new work of yours is added to HeinOnline.  

The Author Profile Setup Request is here.  

SSRN Author Pages

SSRN creates an Author Page from the information you supply on the Individual Info page under User Home.  Select Personal Info on the Menu bar and follow the prompts.  Once the profile is completed, it will be displayed whenever a user clicks on your name in SSRN.  The Profile includes the number of papers you have in SSRN, downloads and citations.  

SSRN's author rankings are available under the Rankings tab. Click on Rankings >Author Rankings  SSRN Top Law Authors for a table of the top 3,000 Law authors.  Rankings for 9 different measures are available, ranging from Total Downloads to the Author-Level Eigenfactor score.  

Google Scholar Citations

Google Scholar Citations offers citation metrics for scholarship that appears in Google Scholar.  An overview of the process of setting up a profile and gaining access to the citation counts that Google collects on your scholarship is here, with specific instructions here.  It's a simple process and, once your profile is done, and made public, it will appear each time someone searches for your name.  You can create graphs of citation counts for particular articles, and set up notifications about new citations to your work.  Automatic updating is available; you can opt to be notified of new citations, and check them yourself before they display or you can add articles to your profile yourself.  The method you choose for updating your profile has no effect on your Cited By counts and citation metrics - these are continually updated to reflect the current state of the web.