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CDIN 44321: Early 20th-century American Literary Biography

General Biographical Sources

Below are important biographical resources, most which are available online.

Print Biographical Sources

To locate biographical sources, search the Library Catalog.

Use Advanced Search

Enter "Biobibliographies," "Biographies Dictionaries," "Biographies Encyclopedias" or "Biographies Directories".

Combine with an additional search term, such as "Authors," "Literature," "American," "20th," etc.

Below are some sample searches.

  • biobibliographies dictionaries american literature
  • harlem renaissance biography encyclopedias
  • journalists 20th american biographies dictionaries



Most obituaries appear in newspapers. To locate newspapers, view our guide How do I find newspapers?  Many of our newspaper databases include a search limit for obituaries.

Obituary Indexes

Obituary indexes can be helpful in finding obituaries for an individual.  Most of these indexes are only in print.  Search "obituary indexes' in the Library Catalog for a listing.