The RCC's main office is located on the University of Chicago's Southwest Campus in the Edelstone Center (6030 S. Ellis Avenue, Room 126). The RCC also has an office on the 2nd floor of the Regenstein Library located on the University's Central campus.
To learn more about the RCC, or receive updates on the availability of resources and training, please follow this link to a contact form.
Phone: 773-795-2667
Please contact us at
The Research Computing Center (RCC) at the University of Chicago provides high-capacity storage space for persistent data as well as high-performance storage space for staging data generated by computational processes running on the RCC cluster.  
The Midway high performance computing cluster forms the core of the RCC's advanced computing infrastructure. The Midway provides a high-performance storage system for scratch space and a high-capacity storage area for persistent data (where home and project directories are hosted). Data residing in either storage silo are accessible from all RCC computer nodes.
Knowledge@UChicago is a service managed in the Library to preserve and share the scholarly and creative assets of the University. The institutional repository is supported through a collaboration between the Library and IT Services at the University of Chicago.
Making work available in Knowlege@UChicago has multiple benefits:
Content included in Knowledge@UChicago includes (but is not limited to):