Articles on IPOs and equity markets. Includes the full text of Investor Dealers' Digest from 1991 to the present. IDD is a major source for news on IPOs.
Tip: Use advanced search and "Initial Public Offerings" as a subject to find the most relevant articles.
Contains business-focused content from a variety of sources including newspapers, dissertations, ebooks, video, business cases, industry reports and more.
Articles on IPOs and equity markets. Includes the full text of Investor Dealers' Digest from 1997 to the present.
Tip: Use advanced search and "Going Public" as a subject to find the most relevant articles.
Article database that includes trade publications, academic journals, industry profiles, country information and company profiles, which include SWOT analyses. Full text is often available. Use the FindIt links to locate full text of articles that are not included in the database.
Includes IPO data from Refinitiv's SDC Platinum Database. Access the data under Search Tools --> M&A and then change the asset class to equities.
Refinitiv Workspace brings together company information from a variety of sources that are produced by Refinitiv. This includes company financials and filings, mergers and acquisition data and analyst reports.
Ritter is Joseph B. Cordell Eminent Scholar at the University of Florida (and an alumnus of the College and Chicago Booth)
He has written extensively on IPOs and offers a great deal of data on his site.