The Special Collections Research Center has created finding aids for modern archival and manuscript collections for collections related to the history of science. Collections include records from University of Chicago departments and divisions, and organizations as well as professional papers of eminent scientists.
To locate books written in or about a subject from a specific period of history, try the following when searching the Library catalogs:
Race, science and medicine, 1700-1960 / edited by Waltraud Ernst and Bernard Harris. |
Imprint: | London ; New York : Routledge, 1999. |
Description: | ix, 300 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. |
Series: | Studies in the social history of medicine |
Topics: | Colonization -- Health aspects -- History. Imperialism -- Health aspects -- History. Science -- Social aspects -- History. Social medicine -- History. Social Medicine -- history. |
Many major research libraries have collections of rare books which support scholarship in the history of science. The following are just a few selected collections.