Scholarly articles on environmental issues and research are found in journals in many different fields of study. The selected titles below are a few reliable sources to browse or use in your research.
Environmental issues can be covered in detail, including scientific details in news sources.
EndNote and Zotero are research management tools that helps you collect, organize, and share citations from library databases and catalogs. The Library provides training resources and services to help you use these tools effectively and efficiently.
The Library subscribes to many article indexing databases in all areas of science, engineering and medicine. The following are those which are most useful in finding articles on topics related to environmental science. For a complete list of all databases provided by the Library, visit the Database Finder.
The Library provides resources for locating a variety of measures of research impact, including counts of citations to a particular paper, measures of citations to specific authors, and impact factors for journal titles. Tools are often integrated into articles databases.
Andrea Twiss-Brooks
Director, Humanities and Area Studies
Chemistry and Geophysical Sciences Librarian
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