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An overview of Zotero, a free citation manager.

Importing Records from the UChicago Library Catalog

In January 2022, the Library completed a major system migration for the Library Catalog. As a result, the Zotero connector no longer works (the records imported are incomplete). This problem has been reported and our IT staff are working on it. The Library hopes that the issue is resolved soon, but there is a work around in the meantime.

Importing Records Manually Into Zotero

  1. In the Library Catalog, mark the records you would like to export.
  2. Click on the option for "Export" selecting "EndNote"
  3. Download the file (vufind.enw)
  4. Open Zotero. Go to File/Import and select "A file (BibTex, RIS, Zotero RDF, etc.). and "Continue"
  5. Pick the file you just downloaded (vufind.enw).
  6. I'd recommend selecting then to import the items into a new collection. File Handling can remain the same. Click Continue and Done.
  7. Your records will be added to a new collection in my Library in Zotero called "VuFind".

The records imported should be complete and have all the necessary information for your bibliographies.