CALGO contains referred software associated with papers published in the ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software and other ACM journals. Includes all algorithms numbered 493 and above, plus a few earlier ones. Alorithms can be downloaded from the server.
Contains a "collection of algorithm implementations for over seventy of the most fundamental problems in combinatorial algorithms". This site, created by Steven S. Skiena, is based on his book The Algorithm Design Manual.
A searchable repository for computer science documents. Organized by subject using the 1998 ACM Computing Classification System. Sponsored by ACM, the e-Print archive, and NCSTRL.
Search of the Office of Scientific and Technical Information's materials which comprise unclassified and classified scientific and technical information (STI) emanating from DOE-funded research and development (R&D) activities at DOE national laboratories and facilities and at universities and other institutions nationwide.