Brief biographical information for over 250 mathematicians. Biographies contain links to mathematical definitions, other biographies within the web site, and literature references for obtaining additional information.
This collection of over 1400 biographies of mathematicians can be accessed alphabetically or chronologically. Entries include detailed biographical information, photographs, literature references, honors, and links to information on other web sites.
Updates and expands the classic Abramowitz and Stegun’s Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables. From the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Print version: QA331.N57 2010 -- Eckhart Library Reference Collection
Provides an "encyclopedic collection of information about mathematical functions". Formulas are available in Mathematica StandardForm, MathML, and ASCII form. Created by Wolfram Research, the developer of Mathematica.
An extensive collection of over 67,000 integer sequences; each sequence entry includes the beginning of the sequence, its name or description, any references or links, any formulae, cross-references to other sequences, and the name of the person who submitted it.
Mathematical tables for "practitioners in mathematics, engineering, and the physical sciences". Subjects covered include, but not limited to, analysis, discrete mathematics, probability and statistics, scientific computing, and financial analysis. QA47.C52 ed.31 -- Eckhart Library Reference Collection
Compilation of methods for "solving and approximately differential equations". Assumes basic understanding of differential equations. QA371.Z88 1998 -- Eckhart Library Reference Collection
This excellent survey of mathematics, created by Dave Rusin, is organized by the Mathematical Subject Classification. Pages for each division include subject descriptions, lists of subdivisions, bibliographic references and selected web sites.
A comprehensive interactive encyclopedia for "students, educators, math enthusiasts, and researchers". Information is organized by subject with an alphabetical index of terms and topics. Many entries include bibliographic references. From Wolfram Research.
Brief definitions for 3,300 terms in pure and applied mathematics. Content from 2003 print edition. Aimed at high school and university students. Includes biographies of over 200 key figures in mathematics
An extensive "compendium of mathematical definitions, formulas, figures, tabulations, and references", designed for users with varying mathematical backgrounds. Includes many cross references and substantial reference lists. QA5.W45 2003 -- Eckhart Library Reference Collection
This 10 volume translation of the Soviet "Matematicheskaia entsiklopediia" (1977-1985) provides comprehensive coverage of mathematics. Provides a mix of long overview articles, medium-length articles on specific topics, and short definition articles. Updated by three supplement volumes (1997-2001). Main Set: QA5.M3713 -- Eckhart Library Reference Collection Supplements: QA5.M3713 1988 -- Eckhart Library Reference Collection