The Library subscribes to many article indexing databases in all areas of science, engineering and medicine. The following are those which are most useful in finding articles on topics in mathematics. For a complete list of all databases provided by the Library, visit the Database Finder.
The Library has an extensive collections of mathematics journals, both online and in print. Use the following links to access specific journals or look up journal title abbreviations.
The Library provides resources for locating a variety of measures of research impact, including counts of citations to a particular paper, measures of citations to specific authors, and impact factors for journal titles. Tools are often integrated into articles databases.
The American Mathematical Society offers Mobile Pairing for its electronic products - MathSciNet, eJournals and eBooks:
This lets you 'pair' your devices - tablets, laptops, smartphones - with the Library's journal subscriptions and books.
Once 'paired', the user will have access to AMS electronic products without having to be connected to the University of Chicago network. The pairing lasts for 90 days.
Crerar Library holds the following preprint collection in print format:
Jennifer Hart
Librarian for Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics
Ryerson Physical Laboratory 156
Email Jenny
Almost all Library databases can be accessed from off-campus. The easiest way to do this is to use links from the Library website. You will then be prompted for your CNetID and password to authenticate yourself as an authorized user.
If you find sources through Google Scholar or other search engines, you may not automatically get access to Library resources. Use the ProxyIt bookmarklet or Libkey Nomad in these situations. There's more information on these in our guide to off-campus access.