Directory of music faculties in American colleges and universities, U.S. and Canada. (Serial, 1967-2017)
(Organized geographically and by school, with cross-indexes by name and specialty.)
Musical America Worldwide. (Serial, 2006-2014)
Musical America. International directory of the performing arts. (Serial, 1970-2005)
Uscher, Nancy. The Schirmer guide to schools of music and conservatories throughout the world, 1988.
Duckles, Vincent. Music Reference and Research Materials. 5th ed., revised. 1997.
CURRENT TITLE: International who's who in classical music (Annual, 2002-present; most recent issue in RR3; earlier issues in stacks)
EARLIER TITLE: International who's who in music and musicians' directory, Vol. one, In the classical and light-classical fields (Annual, 1996-2001)
International who's who in music, Vol. two, Popular music (Annual, 1996-present; most recent issue in RR3; earlier issues in stacks)
Irene Alm. Catalog of Venetian librettos at the University of California, Los Angeles (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993)
Eberhard Thiel and Gisela Rohr, comp. Libretti : Verzeichnis der bis 1800 erschienenen Textbücher (Frankfurt, Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, 1970)
Oscar George Theodore Sonneck, ed. Catalogue of opera librettos printed before 1800 (Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress. Music Division, 1968)
Sartori, Claudio. I libretti italiani a stampa dalle origini al 1800 : catalogo analitico con 16 indici (Cuneo: Bertola & Locatelli, 1990-)
Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. 2nd edition. 1994-2007. 26 vols. Topics, 9 vols.; Biograpies, 17 vols.
Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians. Centennial edition, 2001. 6 vols.
Slonimsky, Nicolas. Baker's biographical dictionary of twentieth-century classical musicians. 1997.
Contemporary Composers. 1992. ed. Morton, B., Collins, P., Ferneyhough, B.