Each year since 1951, the Harvard Law Review has published a discussion of the major decisions of the latest term, with statistical analysis of the justices' votes. Look for the article titled: "Supreme Court: 20xx Term."
Includes tables of federal, state, and local laws held unconstitutional, overruled Supreme Court decisions, and unratified proposed amendments to the Constitution. Also available online via FDsys.
Encyclopedic history of the Court. Includes brief biographies of the justices, chronology of major decisions, chronological table of natural courts, list of acts declared unconstitutional, full text of key decisions. [2 vol.]
Biographies of the justices and resumes of their work, vital statistics from Roy M. Mersky, a list of justices and tables of natural courts, acts held unconstitutional, Supreme Court decisions overruled by later decisions, and appointments by political party. [4 vol.]
More than 240 data points for every case from 1991 to 2015 terms. Tables may be downloaded for use with Excel, R, or STATA, or you may generate your own datasets or cross-tabulations online.
CQ Supreme Court Collection blends historical analysis with timely updates and expert commentary of Supreme Court decisions, biographies of Supreme Court justices, Supreme Court institutional history, and the U.S. Constitution.