All four journals have carrels located on the 6th floor of the D'Angelo Law Library. Please consult with your journal colleagues to find out which carrels you can use and to retrieve the keys for the carrel cabinet. These carrels are a space where you can keep materials checked out to the journals for journal work. Below please find some general information about use of the carrels. If you have general questions about the carrels, please contact the D'Angelo Law Library Circulation Department.
General Guidelines for Journal Carrel Use
- Carrel assignments are distributed by journal staff, as are the cabinet keys. Please contact the journal staffer in charge of carrel assignments or the Managing Editor if you have questions about carrel assignments or need the keys.
- If a journal needs extra cabinet keys, the request should come from the journal staffer in charge of carrel assignments or the Managing Editor
- The journal staff are responsible for the carrels, so please make sure to keep them tidy.
Delivery and Removal of Library Materials to Carrels
- In general, the D'Angelo Law Library does not deliver library items to carrels. Materials requested by the journals are kept at the D'Angelo Circulation Desk on the second floor. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Scott Vanderlin, Instruction and Outreach Librarian.
- Journal staffers can check out materials to a journal carrel. If you would like to do so, please let the staff at the Circulation Desk know which carrel you would like to check out to when you pick up the materials.
- The D'Angelo Law Library will not remove library items from carrels without prior notification from the journal(s)
- Law Library reserves the right to remove library books from any carrel which are needed for library reserve
- Journals will be emailed regarding the removal of overdue books.