The D'Angelo Law Library hosts a collection of examinations from recent Law School courses, along with model student answers and memos by the professors, when available. Exams are restricted to the University of Chicago. If you are accessing the website from off campus, you will need to log in with your CNet ID and password.
Exams for 1L courses can also be found in the 1L Success Portal.
The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI) has produced more than 900 interactive lessons covering many different areas of law. Stop by the Reference Desk to pick up a password to download the lessons from the CALI web site.
Student outlines are made available by the UChicago Law Students Association (LSA) in an online outline bank. Use your CNET ID and password to login.
The D'Angelo Law Library maintains a page listing some of the most useful hornbooks and study supplements, arranged by subject. Almost all of these books are located in the D'Angelo Law Library Reserve Reading Room, and earlier editions of some titles may be available in the stacks under the same call number.
Hornbooks are one volume treatises that attempt to summarize and explain the law in a specific area, typically those covered by law school courses. Study supllements such as West's Nutshell Series and Black Letter Series, and the Examples and Explanations Series from Aspen also try to explain the law in a much more straightforward manner than casebooks. Study supplements are written in a less scholarly manner than hornbooks and tend to focus on the basic issues without providing detailed analysis.
Law students also have access to 3 separate study aids packages through the D'Angelo Law Library:
First year students can also locate study aids sorted by 1L course in the 1L Success Portal.
Treatises provide in-depth commentary and analysis of specific legal subjects. The Library maintains a list of the leading treatises for each major area of law.
Restatements of the Law, published by the American Law Institute, are also included on that page. The Restatements set forth principles of common law, agreed upon by experts in the field, and are highly respected by judges. Each Restatement summarizes, point-by-point, the law of the relevant subject area, provides explanatory comments and examples and includes appendices that provide annotations of all reported federal and state cases citing the Restatement.