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Research Posters

This guide offers information about content and design support as well as printing resources for your research posters.

Color Guidelines

Consistent use of color can help your viewer understand how information is organized on your poster. When choosing colors, select 2-3 to keep your poster easy to navigate.

Some things to keep in mind while selecting your colors:

  • If you are creating images on the computer, note that colors may appear differently on your screen than it will in print. As such, it's a good idea to do a small-scale test print of your poster before getting it professionally printed;
  • Avoid relying solely on color to convey meaning. Instead, use patterns or shading in addition to color on charts, graphs, illustrations, and maps where color differences are intended to convey information;

  • Choose high-contrast colors for text and backgrounds: use dark text with a light-colored background or light text with a dark-colored background. You can check your color contrast and its accessibility using WebAIM's free color-checking tool;
  • The University of Chicago has a primary and secondary color palette (designed with contrast in mind) that you may consider for use in your poster. 

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