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PHSC 12900 Chemistry of Artist's Materials

Suggested resources for researching materials, analytical methods, conservation science and safety concerns for paints, ceramics, coatings, and other materials used in art.

EndNote and Zotero

EndNote and Zotero are research management tools that helps you collect, organize, and share citations from library databases and catalogs. The Library provides training resources and services to help you use these tools effectively and efficiently. 

Scientific writing tips and tools

Scientists write about their research in a variety of formats, but most common by far is the journal article.  Journals provide guidelines to authors to help them organize and communicate the results of their research.  Here are a couple of examples:

When writing about chemical components of food, or substances like pesticides or  colorings, you might want to include a chemical structure.  The University licenses a tool called ChemDraw which can be downloaded and used by students.