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HIST 29619: Imperialism and Colonialism in East Asia

A guide to resources for students in Professor Dong's course (Fall 2023)


Regenstein's Map Collection in room 360 holds more than 800 maps of Japan. To browse for specific maps in the Library catalog, use  the advanced search screen. Use a keyword term like "tokyo" or "japan" and the subject term "maps." You can further limit by data range, author or scale.

Maps Made During the Japanese Imperial Era

The University of Chicago Library's Map Collection includes gaihōzu 外邦図 (maps of regions outside Japan, produced under the auspices of Japan's Imperial Army). (See the section "Captured Japanese maps processed" on the Map Collection news page). 

Search strategies, based on suggestions by Chris Winters (former UChicago map librarian who oversaw the project to process the gaihōzu 外邦図 collection):

1. Search by limiting the Publication Date to Japan's Imperial era (1868-1945); limiting the Language to "Japanese"; and limiting the Format to "map." Then, from the initial search results, exclude "Japan" as a Subject: 

2. Search by mapping agency, for example: 

Search Terms

  • Japan -- Historical geography -- Maps
  • Tokyo (Japan) -- Maps -- Facsimiles